GROWTH Network

The GROWTH consortium, funded by the European Commission (2019-2023), is made up to train a new generation of researchers working on new pathological insights, biomarker diagnostics and personalized nutritional interventions for intestinal failure in neonates and preterm infants.


Academic and industry partners, covering various disciplines ranging from fundamental research to clinical paediatrics and analytical chemistry to organoid and gut-on-chip applications, have teamed up in the European Union.

Research Programme

GROWTH aims to set-up a new European platform that trains young scientists in the industry-led exploration of innovative routes to fully exploit the potential of early life nutrition to prevent inflammatory disease. GROWTH coordinates 8 individual research projects.


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Life2021 conference (Dutch Life Sciences) dates published

Life is a unique, inspiring, annual national congress covering all disciplines and scale levels in the Dutch Life Sciences, from femtometre to kilometre, from cell to planet. Life2021 will be the second edition and will be held online.

Who is invited: Researchers at all scientific research institutes, in all career phases including master students, are warmly invited to join and contribute to the programme. People working in the industry, policy makers, and readers and their master students at Universities of Applied Sciences (HBO’s) are also invited to join and contribute.

Life2021 hosts 5 tracks. The tracks address the theme ‘Networks in Life’ at different scale levels.

TRACK 1: BIOLOGY OF MOLECULES, CELLS AND TISSUES: ‘Biomolecular networks within and between cells’

TRACK 2: FROM GENES TO ORGANISMS: ‘Genome regulation: how tissues and organisms form and survive’

TRACK 3: ORGANISMS IN THEIR ENVIRONMENT: ‘Interactions with the environment: for better and for worse’

TRACK 4: LIFE AND PLANET: ‘Networks within and between ecosystems’

TRACK 5: ADVANCED METHODS, DATA AND ANALYSES TO UNDERSTAND LIVING SYSTEMS: ‘Connecting the dots: novel approaches in biological measurement and analysis’

You can find more information about the speakers and detailed programme HERE .